Travis Sharp’s improv bio.



Travis Sharp began his improv career in 1990 with Knoxville Tennessee’s Commedia del Blah. The improv company’s wacky, unrestrained brand of bar-prov almost ruined him. In 2000, he discovered Dad’s Garage Theatre Company, and began unlearning a few of his bad habits. As part of Dad’s Garage’s Improv Ensemble, he’s created multiple improv formats including B.R.A.W.L.!, Movie of the Weak, and the Invasion format which adds improv to scripted works. He’s the award-winning playwright behind the Star Wars/Dukes of Hazzard mash-up Lawrenceburg, monster musicals The Change: Another Teenage Werewolf Musical and Song of the Living Dead (with Matt Horgan), the meta-musical hit Musicals Suck (the musical) (with Kevin Gillese), and the smash Star Wars musical parody Wicket (with Haddon Kime). Travis has taught improvisation at Dad’s Garage; served as a visiting instructor at The Actor’s Theatre, Geva Theatre, and the Florida Studio Theatre; and created the Adprov curriculum for teaching advertising professionals improvisational methods to improve their work. During the day, Travis is Creative Director of an Atlanta ad agency.


Improv—Dad’s Garage: Dad’s Garage focuses on Keith Johnstone-style narrative improv.

Improv—UCB New York: UCB focuses on “Chicago style” pattern-based improv.

Theatrical studies—University of Tennessee, Knoxville