Every once in awhile you get to work with a client who is actually making the world a better place. Georgia Memory Net is a public-private partnership that helps Georgians with memory loss get fast, accurate diagnoses; then connects them with support in their communities—wherever they live in the state. Our outreach has been so successful, other states are looking to recreate the model.
[Worked with Georgia Memory Net as Creative Director at Reckon.]
Hundreds of thousands of Georgians experience signs of memory loss, but only a small percentage of them talk to their doctor about it. I helped Georgia Memory Net create the Go Annual sub-brand to get Georgians over 65 to sign-up for their free Annual Wellness Visit, an appointment that can reveal signs of dementia without ever having to say the dreaded “A-word.”
Two websites, three ways to engage. Georgia Memory Net’s primary site presents different but equal content depending on if the site visitor is a healthcare professional or a regular ol’ citizen. The Go Annual site is a lifestyle for Georgia seniors, mixing valuable health information with lighter content like recipes, discounts, and tips. Not only did I help create the user experience and architecture, I also wrote most of the content.
How do we build trust in our new healthcare brand when no one’s ever heard of us? We reached out to trusted Georgia celebrities to create instant credibility.